
Our History

Suzan Fulton

In 1999, Suzan Fulton was a member of the Rowlett Arts and Humanities commission. At one of the meetings, there was a discussion about how to draw people to the Arts in Rowlett. Many great ideas were tossed around. Suzan suggested Rowlett start a community theatre.

Everyone thought it was a good idea! "But who would like to volunteer to start one?" Sheepishly, Suzan raised her hand and said, "I'll do it."

After the meeting, she went home and immediatley talked to her son, Eric.

"Eric! I did something...and you've got to help me!""

Eric squinted his eyes. "What did you do?"

"We are going to start a community theatre, and I need you to tell me what to do!"

"You did what? And 'we' are going to do what?"

And here we are years later, still having the time of our lives. We've had some ups and downs, but through it all, we have met many wonderful people we call family. We look forward to many more years bringing family-friendly theatre to you and yours. Thank you for sharing in our journey.